Club Board
Each Toastmasters club has a club board composed of club officers who provide leadership and support needed for the club to flourish, and for its members to grow and enjoy being a part of the club.
Learn about our club officers and their main responsibilities below.
Overall responsible for Board activities
Set strategy and goals for the club
Communicates with other TM groups and Toastmasters International
Currently in this role: Judson Rollins
Vice President Education (VPE)
Responsible for speech progress and tracking
Ensure meetings have all roles filled and run smoothly
Educate members on how Toastmasters works
Currently in this role: Nghia (Megan) Mai
Vice President Membership (VPM)
The ‘face’ of our club for newcomers
Responsible for onboarding new members
Manage and welcome guests
Currently in this role: Francisca Urrutia
Vice President Public Relations (VPPR)
Manage social media accounts and websites
Publish Fusion Newsletter
Advertise and publish Toastmasters events
Currently in this role: Christa Beck
Taking notes at Board meetings
Organize date/location for Board meetings
Organize club documents
Currently in this role: Dewald Keulder
Manage club funds and financing
Collect membership fees and pay club bills
Currently in this role: Mohamed Ba
Sergeant at Arms
Manage club physical inventory
Responsible for organizing set up and clean up of each meeting
Manage logistics with the venue
Currently in this role: Harry Barkema
Immediate Past President
Automatically ‘elected’
Help mentor the club and club officers in any way needed
Provide insights on past initiatives and club business
Currently in this role: Taras Buchynskyi
Find out more about roles and responsibilities of the club officers from the official Toastmasters club leadership handbook.